Someone will be selected at random from using the hashtag #QueenWestHighPraises on social media, featuring one of the "High Praises".
A weekly draw will be held! Dates of the draws to be:
The winner will receive a $100 gift card to a Queen West member business of their choice (as long as that business offers gift cards).
The winning entry will agree to have their first name published, their social media image with the hashtag re-posted and will not hold the Queen Street West BIA liable for any damages.
Introduction to the Project
Art, diversity, multiculturalism and community are some of the major elements that make Toronto special. The year of 2021, Year of Public Art, has been dedicated as the kick-off year for the City’s new 10-Year of Public Art Strategy signalling Toronto’s renewed commitment to public art.
So why “High Praises”? We need positive communication to better relationships, mental health and our overall attitudes. This project aims to engage with visitors, providing them with kind reminders to lighten their day.
High Praises are a series of large-scale text installations of positive messages installed on rooftops throughout the Queen West streetscape. Each message is a reflection of the community, its rich diversity that engages visitors through dialogue that will have a positive impact. The message installations at each rooftop will encourage foot traffic to the area, with a unique scavenger hunt searching for each one will create an intimate relationship with visitors in a 24/7, accessible and inclusive format, while respecting social distancing. Who is Involved?
Darren Christopher Leu - Project Curator Facilitator of production spaces for artists, and a project-based art gallery that primarily showcases emerging artists, curators and organizations. Also a coordinator of projects and events, as directing the BIG on Bloor Festivalsince 2016. Learn more at: |
Covid-19 has posed some incredible challenges that we never anticipated last year and this carries forward into 2021. We are extremely limited in what we can host or produce while maintaining proper health and safety protocols.
High Praises is a unique and creative solution that can be best viewed at night as they will be illuminated.
The artist community has lost opportunity to exhibit and showcase their talents and crafts. This project provides an outlet to highlight some of the amazing artists, with a commitment to a minimum of 50% of the artist opportunities to be awarded to BIPOC identifying individuals.